Monday, April 20, 2009



fartun said...

Hi my name is Fartun, and i like to go shopping and read many different books that are different kinds

MaiKouL said...

My name is Mai Kou. I like to photoshop pictures, touch the computer, and take photos of nature or people. I am a fun and happy person.

fartun said...

fartun's (4)quotes
"Once you get married, she says, you must eat your meal only after your husband has had his fill. Then you may have what remains".

BontuT said...

Hi my name BontuT I am reading a book "SOLD"it is interesting book it is about a thirteen_years -old girl who lives with her family in a small village in Nepal.

BontuT said...

BontuT's Quote
Quote:"A son always be a son,but a girl is like a goat and good as long as she give milk , and butter"

Mai Kou said...

Respond::"A son always be a son,but a girl is like a goat and good as long as she give milk , and butter"

I think that this quote is not true. A girl is the same as a boy are as important as a boy to the family.

MaiKou said...

Quote: "Lately I want to tell her, my stepfather looks at me the same way he looks at the cucumbers I'm growing in front of our hut."

Anonymous said...

Respond: "once you get married, she says ,you must eat your meal only after your husband has had his fill. then you may have what remain"

I think that is a culture what girls should do when they got married in Nepal even though it is a culture it was bad culture.

FARTUN,S said...

"Once you get married, she says, you must eat your meal only after your husband has had his fill. Then you may have what remains".


MaiKouL said...

My Question:
What do you think about girls being sold when they don't want to?

fartun,S said...

"Once you get married, she says, you must eat your meal only after your husband has had his fill. Then you may have what remains".

I THINK THAT IS WHAT THEIR CULTURE DO WHEN HUSBAND GETS FOOD FIRST ANT THE WIFE HAS TO EAT THE REMAINING FOOD FROM HER HUSBAND.I think is true because it's reminds me long time ago somalia people used to do it but not anymore things changed now.

MaiKouL said...

Last Word:
Quote "Lately I want to tell her, my stepfather looks at me the same way he looks at the cucumbers I'm growing in front of our hut."

I think that she should tell her mother how she feels
about her step dad and the way he looks at her.
Lakshmi should get more respect from her dad or at lease some more love.

bontuT said...

Last word
"A son always be a son,but a girl is like a goat and good as long as she give milk , and butter"

I wonder how the girls feel about how they treat in that that society

FARTUN,S said...

fartun's(4) question:

why do you think Lakshmi mother let stepfather to sell her?

MaiKouL said...

Respond to Fartun's Question:
Why do you think Lakshmi mother let stepfather to sell her?

I think that she probably doesn't know that he is selling her to them because when she told Lakshmi to
wake up early and cook, and all the lessons that she taught her. So maybe lakshmi's mom don't know the truth but even if she did she could of got forced by her husband (lakshmi's step father) to let Lakshmi go.

fartun's said...

Fartun responds
What do you think about girls being sold when they don't want to?
I think it's not good thing to do because it destroy their life and they are still young to be able to do it.

bontuT said...

bontuT question:

how would you feel if you live with your step mother or step father?

FARTUN,S said...

fartun's[4] respond
how would you feel if you live with your step mother or step father?
i think i would feel bad because some stepmother and stepfather are very mean to children because they don't take care of them

bontuT said...

BontuT respond to Fartun question
what do you think Lakshmi mother let step father to sell her

I think mother don't have power to say any thing about her doughter beccause in that society man is the only one who have a power to do what ever they want to do, and he is the one who incharge of that family.